Frequently Asked Questions
Why does MIT need a hotline?
An effective reporting system will augment the Institute’s efforts to foster a culture of integrity and ethical decision-making. By creating open channels of communication, MIT promotes a positive work and learning environment to support our shared values.
What is EthicsPoint?
EthicsPoint is an independent third-party provider of hotline services. MIT’s web portal for hotline reporting is hosted externally on EthicsPoint’s servers, and the telephone service is handled by trained EthicsPoint specialists who will help document the information related to your concern.
Does this replace other reporting channels? What if I want to talk to someone in person?
No, the hotline does not replace other reporting channels. Please see this list of other places around MIT where you can report concerns. The hotline supplements these existing reporting channels and offers an alternative if you would like to remain anonymous. Please note that in some cases we may be more limited in our options for responding to anonymous reports, however.
Do I have to identify myself?
No, you may choose to remain anonymous when reporting concerns through the hotline, either online or by telephone. However, you may identify yourself if you wish.
What happens when I file a report? Who sees it?
All reports will be reviewed by a small group of MIT representatives from Risk Management & Compliance Services, the Audit Division, and the Office of the General Counsel. This group will determine if further review is necessary, and if so, who is best equipped to perform that review. In some cases, it may be the same department that would have received the report had direct channels been used.
What if I have follow up information after my initial report?
When you file a report using the hotline, you receive a unique user name and are asked to choose a password. You can return to the EthicsPoint system again either by internet or telephone and access the original report to add more detail. In rare cases, we may pose follow up questions to you through the EthicsPoint system if we require more information than was initially provided. You would be able to see these questions by logging in.
Can I file a report from anywhere and remain anonymous?
Yes. An internet portal never identifies a visitor by screen name, and the EthicsPoint system strips away internet addresses so that anonymity is totally maintained.
What if my supervisor or other manager is involved in the violation? Will they get a copy of the report?
Conflict screening is built in to the process. Initially, EthicsPoint will ensure that any individual named in a report will not be notified or have access to the report. The MIT team that reviews the report will perform additional screening to ensure that the allegations are not investigated by someone who has a conflict or is cited in the report.
Will I be given status updates on any investigation performed or informed of the outcome?
For confidentiality reasons, we are unable to share specific information about an investigation or the result. However, if upon closure of a report you continue to observe inappropriate behavior, you may make an additional report.